SBG X RAFFLES MEDICAL WEBINAR – “COVID-19: The Road Back To Normal Life”
We have all been waiting for that day to return to “normal life”. Expectations about when life will return to pre-COVID normal vary widely across the world. For many people in the U.S., it feels like that dim light at the end of the pandemic tunnel is becoming brighter. In contrast, many countries are still being challenged with waves of outbreaks and containment of the pandemic spread.
Expectations about when life will return back to pre-COVID normal vary widely across the world. Findings suggest that at a global level, expectations about how long it will take before one’s life can return to its pre-COVID “normal” are entirely dependent on containing the pandemic. Effective vaccines will have a game-changing impact on the control of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, progress towards a return to normal economic and societal activities could be undermined by the emergence of viral variants and uncertainties about the effectiveness of vaccination around the world.
Join Raffles Medical’s Internal Medicine Specialists — Dr. Ong Kian Soon AND Dr. Lai Zhun Neay on June 29th on “The Road Back To Normal”.
Register now for a complimentary Singapore Business Group (SBG) webinar in collaboration with Raffles Medical.
Webinar details as follow:
Topic: COVID-19: The Road Back To Normal Life
Date: Tuesday, 29th June 2021
Time: 03:30 PM – 04:30 PM
Duration: 60 mins
Speakers: Dr. Ong Kian Soon and Dr. Lai Zhun Neay from Raffles Medical Vietnam
Webinar Agenda:
03:30 PM – 03:40 PM: Introduction about SBG and Speakers from SBG Host
03:40 PM – 03:55 PM: Overview of the current COVID-19 situation globally and in Vietnam – Dr. Lai Zhun Neay
03:55 PM – 04:15 PM: COVID-19 tests and vaccines – Dr. Ong Kian Soon
04:15 PM – 04:30 PM: Q&A
04:30 PM : Webinar ends