CO-HOST WEBINAR: HKBAV – “Electronics Industry Investment Vietnam’s Outlook & Opportunities”

Dear HKBAV Members & Friends,
With arising opportunities due to government reforms, trade liberalization, tax incentive policies, and labor quality improvement, Vietnam has become a new favored destination option for foreign investors looking to relocate their Electronic Industry (EI) investment in Asia.
This webinar will point out how to tap these trends effectively, to understand recent events in electronics production, the structure of Vietnam’s electronics sector, and prepare to meet opportunities as they arise.
The details are as follows:
Date: Thursday, July 8th 2021
Time: 10:00 – 11:30AM (GMT+7) | 11:30AM – 12:30PM (GMT+8)
Admission fee: Complimentary ticket
*This webinar will be conducted in English and using Click Meeting
Online registration: https:/
*The registration emails will be shared with the presenters
*The access link will be sent one day before the event.
Agenda (GMT +7):
10:00 – 10:15 AM: Webinar introduction
By Winnie Lam, General Secretary of HKBAV
10:15 – 11:00AM: Presentations:
1. The real-estate landscape for electronics industry
Ms. Meir Tlebalde, Associate Director – Real Estate Service, KPMG Vietnam
2. What makes Vietnam a global bright spot in electronics production?
Mr. Nguyen Minh Quan, Head of Product Marketing, Samsung Mobile Vietnam
3. Emerging electronics investment opportunities
Mr. Chang Hung Chun, Audit Partner – Chinese Practice Leader, KPMG Vietnam
11:00 – 11:20AM: Panel discussion:
Speakers: Ms. Meir Tlebalde, Associate director – Real Estate Service, KPMG Vietnam
Mr. Chang Hung Chun, Audit partner – Chinese Practice Leader, KPMG Vietnam
Mr. Nguyen Minh Quan, Head of Product Marketing, Samsung Mobile Vietnam
Moderator: Mr. Frederick Burke, Managing Partner, Real Estate Baker & McKenzie Vietnam
11:20- 11:30AM: Closing & Goodbye
Further details can be found at flyer below, if you can’t view flyer, please click here


Jul 08 2021


3:00 am - 4:30 am

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