On 7th June 2018, Singapore Business Group HCMC (SBG) has organized our Raffles Night: Introduction to Vietnam Business Forum (VBF) with the support from our venue sponsor: Le Méridien Saigon and other 10 fellow business chambers including British Business Group Vietnam (BBGV), Canadian Chamber of Commerce Vietnam (CanCham), French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam (CCIFV), The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Vietnam (CTCVN), Dutch Business Association Vietnam (DBAV), Hong Kong Business Association Vietnam (HKBAV), Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (ICham), Indian Business Chamber in Vietnam (InCham), Malaysia Business Chamber Vietnam (MBC), The Korean Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the South & Middle of Vietnam (KoCham) respectively.

The Vietnam Business Forum (VBF) was established in 1997 for nurturing public-private dialogue to develop a favourable business environment that attracts domestic and foreign private sector investment and stimulates sustainable economic development in Vietnam. It serves as a regular and high-level channel of communication between the business community and Vietnamese Government, and is a reliable partner in shaping reforms that provides concrete results towards delivering a better business environment in Vietnam. VBF also works to provide research, legal analysis, identification of problems and practical solutions.

SBG is proud to be an Associate member of VBF over years. We are the voice of the businesses who represents and connects them with the Government of Vietnam. By organizing this event, SBG would like to widely introduce VBF to our members and invite all to get involved let your voice heard through this platform. We believe that all event attendees can find the presentation from SBG’s Vice President, Mr. Seck Yee Chung – also the Partner of the Law Firm Baker & McKenzie informative and helpful. For such reason, we thank Mr. Yee Chung for taking his precious time and share the value of VBF with SBG members and partners.

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude towards our venue sponsor – Le Méridien Saigon for the generosity to sponsor SBG with such a spectacular venue and delicious canapé. Your profession and support have made this event a great success. 

We, of course, have to give a big thank to our in-kind sponsors who have given away their products and services to make the event more joyful. We would take this opportunity to honour: SIR Tailor, Lune Production, Pen World, Dilmah Tea.


Please click here for the event photos and stay tuned for more upcoming events!

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