“Unfair as it may be, we judge others, and in turn, are judged on appearance. The good news is the way we present ourselves – especially the way we dress – is one area in our lives where we can take the wheel and make significant changes that will positively impact our career”, SIR Tailor.

Indeed, the way we dress expresses who we truly are and create the first impression in all activities that we do. However, not so many people have paid a proper attention to the clothes we wear and the meanings behind them. Every single style, as well as the way we mix and match them, affects our image as a person.

Noticing the importance of proper business dressing, Singapore Business Group HCMC (SBG) has organized this fast-paced, lively seminar “Dress for success” to offer sound advice and simple steps to immediately transform your image to a higher professional level.


Our event was strongly supported by The Adora Dynasty (Dong Phuong Group) with their generosity for sponsoring us with a spectacular tailor-made decoration venue and the generous flow of delicious canape. All SBG members felt extremely welcomed and familiar with the atmosphere as if they were home. For that, we are forever thankful and appreciate all their support, especially their high profession in the event service.



We also need to thank the co-hosting chambers including American Chamber of Commerce Vietnam (AmCham), Australian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (AusCham), British Business Group Vietnam (BBGV), Belgian – Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Viet Nam (Beloux Cham), Canadian Chamber of Commerce Vietnam (CanCham), French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam (CCIFV), The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Vietnam (CTCVN), Dutch Business Association Vietnam (DBAV), Korean Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the South & Middle of Vietnam (KoCham), Italian Chamber of Commerce (Icham), Malaysia Business Chamber Vietnam (MBC) for sharing our news to their members and make the event more successful.

Us SBG together with 150 event attendees surely had an interesting experience listening to the presentation by SIR Tailor. Phan Anh’s speech gave us more information about proper clothing in business activities which we can apply to our lives. Furthermore, we had an exciting Q&A session with many tough but true questions. From an overall perspective, everyone had a great time.


Last but not least, deepest gratitude goes to SIR Tailor, Becamex Hotel, Imperial Hotel Vung Tau and‘NAMO Italian Restaurant for their kind lucky draw gifts.




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