The 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Singapore Business Group HCMC (SBG) was held on Thursday 19th September 2019 at the spectacular InterContinental Saigon with their venue sponsorship.

It was an honor to welcome our Honorary Lifetime Members this year. The event also received a strong support from 96 attendees including 64 SBG members.

The AGM progressed in three sections starting with the welcome address by Mr. Norman Lim – President of SBG. He had summarized SBG’s overall operation situation during the term of two years from September 2018 till September 2020 and mentioned a significant change will be coming by the end of 2019. It by then followed by the report presentation by SBG’s Honorary Secretary – Mr. Jeffery Lee. His presentation covered the activities of the organization during the Term 2018-2020 includes SBG current team and organization structure, membership status, events listing, SBG’s partnerships, updates on EdFund programme and SBG website status. 

Mr. Jeffery Lee then continued with the financial report on behalf of Mr. Jason Yeo – SBG’s Honorary Treasurer. He presented the Financial Statements & updates on EdFund.The members attending the meeting passed the Annual Report and the Financial Statements without objections.

The AGM continued with the Q&A session hosted by Mr. Jeffery Lee – Honorary Secretary, Mr. Norman Lim – President and Mr. Daniel Lim – Vice President. There were helpful suggestions from our Honorary member and other members in building a better and more effective organization.

One of the most important part of the event was the Honorary Lifetime Members Ceremony. We are greatly appreciate and would like to send our gratitude to: Mr. Benjamin Yap, Mr. Alan Gan, Mr. Hensley Tan, Mr. Phillip Low, Mr. Ernest Yoong, Mr. Stephen Lim, Mr. Tien Tat, Mr. Eric Tan, Mr. Michael Williams, Mr. Ho Sze Ming, Mr. Teo Yak Leong and Ms. Tarnie Liew for their contribution to SBG.  

The event ended with a networking session where all participants mingled together and enjoy some delicious signature Singapore dishes prepared by our venue sponsor – InterContinental Saigon.


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